Tuesday, June 15, 2010


FIFA World Cup is an international assocaition football competition contested by men's national teams. The current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at venues within the host nations over a period of about a month. During the 18 tournaments that have been held, seven national teams have won they are, Brazil who have won over five titles and have played in every tournaments, Italy who is the current winners, have won four titles, Germany three titles, Urugany,Argentina,England and france. The world cup have been held in Germany in 2006, the current world cup is being held in South Africa where the 2014 world cup would be held in Brazil.

I know what team i want to win this year and my team is Brazil.

Enjoy Responsibly! Critical Consumerism

The impact of media on youths include,Mass Media is the methods of communication used to reach large numbers of people at the same time through the use of television, newspapers, radio, internet and many more. media have change how advertise things just to catch our attention for a long time period. some advertise have gone to the extreme to make ads that discrimate both male and female. Deconstruct ads is when you take apart, analyze and break down a media textinto its component parts in order to understand how and why it was created. Codes and Covention are forms and techniques that are being used by the media to communicate ideas. The six codes and conventions are Superiority and Domination, Dismemberment, Clowning and Exaggeration, Male Approval, The Voice-over Of Authority and Irrelevant Sexualization of Women and Girls. Stereotype are an overly simple picture or opinion of a person, group, or thing, for example more black females fall under dismemberment and irrelevant sexualization of women and girls.

Sara Baartman- Journal Post

Saartjie "Sarah" Baartman was born to a Khosian family of Gamtoos River in South Africa. Sara was a slave working for dutch famers ,where the ower brother told her to travel to England for exhibition,where she would become wealth. She was 20 years old when she left home on a boat to London, never know she would never see home again. Sara life became fascinating where she was taken to be in a circus to be exhibited as a freak across Britain. They nicknamed her as the "Hottentot Venus", were swept through Britain popular culture. She was taken to France and became the object of scients. After she became a prositute, she die a year later. It was disturbing but yet an eye opening to see what people have done to others by cutting out her sexual organs and brain to be displayed.Its upsetting to see that guys refer to woman as "bitches". Mothers and daughters have been pimped for big houses and money, they would be in music videos shaking their things half naked for money, Benz and big houses, as being mans "hoes". We need to get back respect for ourselves and other as black women.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Drake"Find Your Love" Music Video

Drake"Find Your Love" is took place or were filmed in Jamaica, where Drake eyes, heart and soul have given all his love to the girlfriend of "gully god " Mavado. The video began with the quote " the worst thing about crossing a line is when ,you dont know you already have....". where the girl was crawling on the beach with her breats and booty showing close up. He was warned by the old guy on the beach about the girl being trouble and that his album came first ,but drake wanted to see the girl agin he was saying that " i dont understand how you could own somebody". Drake keeps on getting flaskbacks of all the times him and the girl spent together, thats where he went to find his love. Mavado telling Drake that he thinks he can come to Jamaica and take his women, and anything in Jamaica is for the gully. the girl willing to kill the person she love because her man told her to.
the codes and convention is male aproval.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Love & Basketball Film

In 1981 in L.A., Monica moves in next door to Quincy. They're 11, and both want to play in the NBA, just like Quincy's dad. Their love-hate relationship lasts into high school, with Monica's edge and Quincy's top-dog attitude separating them, except when Quincy's parents argue and he climbs through Monica's window to sleep on the floor. As high school ends, they come together as a couple, but within a year, with both of them playing ball at USC, Quincy's relationship with his father takes an ugly turn, and it leads to a break up with Monica. Some years later, their pro careers at a crossroads, they meet again. It's time for a final game of one-on-one with high stakes for Quincy, if he loses, he call off the wedding and choose Monica. He chose her they got married had a daughter and they both went back to playing basketball.
The gender representation in the First Quarter 1981, when Quincy and two of his friends were playing basketball and Monica walk up wearing a hat and baggy cloths looking like a boy asked to play with them and when she toke off her hat,they saw that she was a girl, they said that girls can't play basketball and she show them that girls can ,Quincy angrily knock her down and she got scar in the face. The gender representation is that boys think that girls can't do what they can, like playing basketball etc. So in the movie Monica show Quincy that she's good at basketball so he got angry. Ladies can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.
Love & Basketball

Chenson Bolsa Advertising

Chenson Bolsa is advertising hand bags, but it looks like she advertising her leg, because if she's advertising the bag it would be infront of her but its to the side and it looks to me she's advertising a leg lotion or something. The code and convention used is Dismemberment.

DOLCE & GABBANA Advertisement

Dolce & Gabbana is advertising clothing line with four guys and a girl. where one of the guys is putting the girl down so they can gang rape her or something, while the other guys watch what he's doing to the girl. I think if they advertising clothing line the girl and guy shouldn't be on the ground like they are going to have sex. The codes and conventions used are Irrelevant sexualization of women and girls and Male Approval.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Biotherm Advertising

Biotherm is advertising after sun lotion, where theirs a women on her stomach naked. I think they should atleast put her in a swimsuit other than being naked. The code and convention that is being used is Dismemberment of females where only parts of the body is shown.

J'adore Dior perfume

J'adore Dior is using a women to advertise their perfume. She looks very shiny and her hair is luciously flowing when all perfume does is make you smell good. Her skin also looks very smooth and she is wearing a strapless gold dress that goes with her skin tone. The dress is tight enough to push her breast up. The codes and conventions used are Dismemberment and male approval.

Friday, June 4, 2010

hello everyone, my name is Nesha Andrews. I am 18 yrs old from the beautiful Island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, I came to Canada to pursue a better live and education when i was 15 yrs old. I am now atttending Sir Sandford Fleming Academy where am in my last year. I enjoy having fun with my girls, love to laugh, like to read alot of books and love being myself.
The purpose of my blog is to show what i have learn in media studies.This experience has been an eye opening one, seeing through some of the music videos we listen to, and how to look or listen to them in a different view by criticizing them. we have study Mass Media, Gender or Race Representation,Product Placement and more. Thanks to our wonderful teacher Miss Shelton.