Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sara Baartman- Journal Post

Saartjie "Sarah" Baartman was born to a Khosian family of Gamtoos River in South Africa. Sara was a slave working for dutch famers ,where the ower brother told her to travel to England for exhibition,where she would become wealth. She was 20 years old when she left home on a boat to London, never know she would never see home again. Sara life became fascinating where she was taken to be in a circus to be exhibited as a freak across Britain. They nicknamed her as the "Hottentot Venus", were swept through Britain popular culture. She was taken to France and became the object of scients. After she became a prositute, she die a year later. It was disturbing but yet an eye opening to see what people have done to others by cutting out her sexual organs and brain to be displayed.Its upsetting to see that guys refer to woman as "bitches". Mothers and daughters have been pimped for big houses and money, they would be in music videos shaking their things half naked for money, Benz and big houses, as being mans "hoes". We need to get back respect for ourselves and other as black women.

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