Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Love & Basketball Film

In 1981 in L.A., Monica moves in next door to Quincy. They're 11, and both want to play in the NBA, just like Quincy's dad. Their love-hate relationship lasts into high school, with Monica's edge and Quincy's top-dog attitude separating them, except when Quincy's parents argue and he climbs through Monica's window to sleep on the floor. As high school ends, they come together as a couple, but within a year, with both of them playing ball at USC, Quincy's relationship with his father takes an ugly turn, and it leads to a break up with Monica. Some years later, their pro careers at a crossroads, they meet again. It's time for a final game of one-on-one with high stakes for Quincy, if he loses, he call off the wedding and choose Monica. He chose her they got married had a daughter and they both went back to playing basketball.
The gender representation in the First Quarter 1981, when Quincy and two of his friends were playing basketball and Monica walk up wearing a hat and baggy cloths looking like a boy asked to play with them and when she toke off her hat,they saw that she was a girl, they said that girls can't play basketball and she show them that girls can ,Quincy angrily knock her down and she got scar in the face. The gender representation is that boys think that girls can't do what they can, like playing basketball etc. So in the movie Monica show Quincy that she's good at basketball so he got angry. Ladies can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.
Love & Basketball

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