Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Enjoy Responsibly! Critical Consumerism

The impact of media on youths include,Mass Media is the methods of communication used to reach large numbers of people at the same time through the use of television, newspapers, radio, internet and many more. media have change how advertise things just to catch our attention for a long time period. some advertise have gone to the extreme to make ads that discrimate both male and female. Deconstruct ads is when you take apart, analyze and break down a media textinto its component parts in order to understand how and why it was created. Codes and Covention are forms and techniques that are being used by the media to communicate ideas. The six codes and conventions are Superiority and Domination, Dismemberment, Clowning and Exaggeration, Male Approval, The Voice-over Of Authority and Irrelevant Sexualization of Women and Girls. Stereotype are an overly simple picture or opinion of a person, group, or thing, for example more black females fall under dismemberment and irrelevant sexualization of women and girls.

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